COVID-19 Response

Dear Valued Customer:

State Motor and Control Solutions Remains Open of Business and Deemed Essential Critical Workforce

State Motor and Conrtol Solutions supports essential manufacturing & services including hospitals, critical infrastructure, government, aerospace, defense agencies, food producers, and utilities. The employees at State Motor and Control Solutions are committed to continue supplying the products and services that are required to maintain viability of these essential operations and institutions.

We carry a vast inventory of products IN STOCK and available for immediate shipment. If you are having trouble finding the product and services that you need please contact our customer service team. They can suggest alternatives and work with our suppliers to improve delivery.

Safety is our Primary Concern

We follow the CDC and local government health authority’s guidelines and we have enacted steps to promote health and safety, while continuing with our highest level of customer service and support and increased measures to protect our employees and our customers.

  • Aggressive cleaning, disinfecting and hygiene practices
  • Expanded social distancing practices
  • Elimination of all unnecessary travel and visitors
  • Maximized work-from-home arrangements

We will continue to respond to new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and local government health authorities as it becomes available.

Contact our Customer Service team at [email protected] or 866-354-0063 for assistance and after hour ordering.


Your Friends and Partners at State Motor and Control Solutions

Order Online 24/7/365