Circuit Protection

Circuit Protection

Circuit breakers and fuses protect against overload and short circuits for all types of applications. A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current that typically occur as a result from an overload or short circuit.

Fuses provide the same protections. If too much current flows through the fuse, a metal link in the fuse body will melt and interrupt the circuit. A fuse can only trip and open the circuit once, so it must be replaced or repaired to complete the circuit again. Fuses are typically installed in fuse blocks, either for storage or to consolidate fuses in one, easily maintained location.

Disconnects and Safety Switches also provide an essential safety function. They are important because they ensure that the electrical circuit is completely de-energized so that maintenance can be performed.

State Motor has a variety of options for all your circuit protection needs with brands such as ABB, Siemens, and WEG Electric.

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